Dear Girls,

Hi, I am a girl next door, the girl you walk by every minute.  I don’t like wearing make-up every day and find myself most comfortable in my favourite pair of shoes and slippers.

I am a girl who does not have a boyfriend, nor do I like to have beer or weed as my best friend and yes, I am still not on Instagram or Snapchat. But you know what, any of these do not degrade my thinking, none of them make me less modern. Because sweethearts, Modernity is not limited to 9 to 5 job, or to skirts. It does not walk only in the shape of 5 inches of heels or wears the hat of smoke over its face. For modernity is all about DOING WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO and TAKE PRIDE IN IT.

I have seen people covering their ruthless behaviour in the sheet of being modern by saying – its 2017 and “I don’t give a shit”. ”Well yes, you are right, its 21st century and you no more give a damn to what other person might feel. It takes a micro second for you to say it to the girl who got married in her early twenties- “KUCH KARNA –WRNA NHI HAI KYA” or you throw the sword of your words saying “KOI SAPNE NHI HAI KYA LIFE MEIN”. With no clue that, may be- this is what she always dreamt of, may be, she always waited for the BIG DAY, HER WEDDING DAY.

I always wanted to be like you, especially when you don’t even bother to smile back or show gratitude to the most stressful and hectic 24*7   schedule in the world, even if it just takes three words– Nice food Mom! Done!  That’s it, but No! you are modern and you don’t give a f*** so you won’t say it , you will keep sitting there in that comfortable couch of the superbly managed house complaining ” I go to office at 8 AM , I work for 9 hours a day and my boss not even praises me for the efforts I put in”.

I always fall for how beautifully you not feel anything, and how easily you define the person as “emotional fools”, when they express what they really feel, whereas deep inside you crave if you would ever to do that , even if for once.

Please take out some time and think what are we, MODERN OR HYPOCRITE’S????

Understand that Modernism is all about doing what you love, accept others for who they are , allow others to live by their definition of life, do not try to bend it as per your way of doing things.

FOR all a  21st century girl needs, is to be happy ,accept and rejoice that whatever she does is important , from sewing a cloth ,to making tastiest food for her family, to standing tall beside a man with equal confidence, believing in herself and managing a global organisation.

GIRLS do not get confined to somebody else’s definition of how to live your life, CREATE YOUR OWN WAY, WALK ON IT.

AND YES, don’t worry about being “MODERN”, because you are “the best”!!!

-Rashmi Khurana


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